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G.O.A.'L. News and Blog

Stay up-to-date on what’s happening at G.O.A.’L. and in the adoptee community!

200,000+ Adoptees in 15 Countries.

Since the 1950s, over 200,000 Korean children have been sent overseas for adoption. In recent years, adult adoptees have started to return to Korea in increasingly large numbers to search for their Korean birth families, seek connection to Korean identity, and learn about the language and culture.


Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (G.O.A.’L.) was founded in 1998 by overseas Korean adoptees who returned to Korea. It soon became, and remains today, the only adoptee-led non-profit and NGO in Korea.


Your donations allow us to achieve our mission of being an adoptee-centric hub that connects adoptees around the world.

Secretary General

Kara Rickmers

Adoptee | Eng, Kor

Community Relations

Jake Bailey

Adoptee | Eng

Dual Citizenship & F4 Visa

Imshil Yoo

Korean | Kor, Eng

Birth Family Search

Kyeong Mi Paek

Korean-American | Kor, Eng

Birth Family Search

Yeo Kyung Wie

Korean | Kor, Ger, Eng

Office Manager

Dr. BR Chin

Korean | Kor


These partners, contributors, and donors help us maintain and improve the services we provide to our members.

Our website was sponsored by the Community Chest of Korea (designated donation by Korean Air) & Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance.