Help us connect adoptees with Korea
G.O.A.’L. relies on our volunteers to make our organization stronger. Our volunteers are the key to creating a strong community of bridging the gap between Korean adoptees and Korea.
G.O.A.’L. provides volunteer certifications and recommendations that are valid for university or company submission.

Types of Volunteer Opportunities
We are looking for passionate volunteers with a wide variety of skills and experiences.

Family Search
- Translate documents from adoption organizations and letters between the adoptee and birth family
- In-person interpretations between the birth family and adoptee
- Assist adoptee in an active search (going to police stations, posting flyers, etc.)

Living in Korea
- Translation of documents for F-4 Visa and Dual Citizenship applications
- Interpretation at banks, immigration, real estate agency, etc.
- Korean language tutors

Programs and Events
- In-person assistance during special events
- Help with programs focused on an adoptee’s first time in Korea
- Meet new people from around the world
- Live interpretation